Home / Training Package for Sustainability in Social Entreprises / Module 6 – Sustainability and Scalability of Social Enterprises

Module 6 – Sustainability and Scalability of Social Enterprises

This module navigates learners through the realms of sustaining and scaling social enterprises. By module’s end, learners will grasp sustainability and scalability, differentiate them from growth, and cite successful practices. Additionally, they will distinguish between social and traditional enterprises in these aspects, and comprehend challenges social enterprises face. Learners will also learn about European Union policies supporting social enterprises. The module includes three units: “Unit 1: Sustainability of Social Enterprises,” “Unit 2: Scalability of Social Enterprises,” and “Unit 3: Policies for Supporting Sustainability and Scalability in Social Enterprises and Good Practices.” As learners advance, they’ll enhance their understanding of the vital elements driving social enterprise sustainability and scalability, equipping themselves to make a positive impact.


  • Module activity
  • Evaluation and Assessment
  • Module Presentation
  • Compendium
  • Guidelines
  • References
  • Quiz

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