Confcooperative Romagna

<strong>Confcooperative Romagna</strong>

he Confederation of Italian Cooperatives, Confcooperative is the main organization of representation, assistance and protection of the cooperative movement and Italian social enterprises by number of companies (18,500), people employed (525,000) and turnover (66 billion euros in turnover). The shareholders represented are over 3.2 million.In 2011 Confcooperative promoted the birth of the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives. 

Confcooperative pays great attention to the development of relationships with the cooperative movements of other countries. It promotes the growth of the cooperative movement and cooperatives in developing countries and recently democratic systems. It is associated with the International Cooperative Alliance, Cooperatives Europe and various sectoral and representative bodies to the European Commission.

It carries out activities in the Romagna region to represent and promote the cooperative movement, committing itself, on a daily basis, to the development of a business model centered on economic efficiency, the democratic participation of members and the values of mutuality and subsidiarity.

Confcooperative Romagna is a business union and, as such, represents cooperatives in territorial and corporate bargaining. It also offers management and development support services to cooperatives through a staff of specialized professionals. Confcooperative Romagna’s technicians and officials play a central role in monitoring the health of enterprises and providing them with assistance for efficient management geared toward growth and consolidation.



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